Failure to Launch Syndrome – The Good Men Project


Why are a large number of guys showing no desire to launch into independent adulthood?

Failure to Launch Syndrome is fast becoming a common issue among our young men today. A member of our Premium Community wrote to the Publisher of The Good Men Project to request more articles on the subject.

According to Jonathan Hetterly’s article, some of the common signs of FTL syndrome are:

  • Deflecting responsibility for their actions
  • A Little motivation for activities that pertain to school and full-time work
  • Poor work ethic towards individual responsibilities
  • Little persistence or consistency in working towards what goals they may have set
  • Difficulty keeping the grades to stay in college or can’t hold a steady job


We want to hear your point of view:

How have we come to this point where more young men are living in their parents’ home than at any time since the 1940s?

What influence have over-protective parents had on their young adult son disempower him to launch into independent adulthood?

Why are a large number of guys showing no desire to launch into independent adulthood?

What socio-political factors validate the fears?

Why do some believe these young adults have a poor work ethic? Are the criteria different?

What differentiates these young men from their peers who have been able (and willing) to make a successful transition?


When you’re ready to submit, click one of the colorful boxes, below.


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Photo credit: Flickr


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