Bringing Father to the Railroad HQ [Father Companion Mod / Alternate Ending]

SPOILER WARNING FOR FALLOUT 4! You will only get this once!

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PC (Bethesda):


Toro Montana – author
Thuggysmurf – beta tester
Caleb Mills – voice actor: Nate/Male Sole Survivor
DiscoGnome – voice actor: Father
WolfieDarkfangs – voice actor: Commonwealth Courier
m150 – Super Mutant Father’s Lab Coat

Short version:

Work with Dr. Volkert and embark on a journey across the Commonwealth to find a cure for Father’s cancer and ultimately obtain him as a companion after the end of the game.

Long version:

Q: What does this mod do?
A: This mod will open up the option to have Father, the leader of the Institute in 2287, as your companion after the conclusion of the main questline of Fallout 4, provided you do… certain things. It’s an immersive lore-friendly questing experience with hundreds of dialog lines written. Voice acting is used, except for PS4.

Father is a unique companion and won’t override other companions, vanilla or modded. This opens up a lot of possibilities such as having Nora (modded) and Shaun (this mod) as your traveling companions at the same time. He will be wearing a special indestructible Institute power armor at all times as he’s 60 years old and wouldn’t really survive well in his lab coat alone. This is similar to Danse.

You will be able to command him and send him to settlements. He can hack any terminals but cannot pick locks. There is no affinity system, but he does have a minor perk.

Q: Doesn’t Father die of cancer?
A: Exactly. Between the time you learn of Father’s cancer at the Directorate meeting and the end of the main quest, you will be able to embark on a side quest to obtain a cure by working with Dr. Dean Volkert, the Institute doctor in charge of treating Father.

Q: What do I need?
A: First, you’ll need the Mysterious Serum from the Cabot questline, you will only need 1 sample. Second, you will need the medical research papers stored in the hidden part of Vault 81. This is actually a new item added through the mod. Give these to Dr. Volkert and he’ll be able to create a cancer treatment that actually works.

Q: What about the Vault 81 cure?
A: The Vault 81 cure is useless as it doesn’t treat cancer. You can show it to Dr. Volkert if you want, but it won’t have any impact on the story.

Q: What other options do I have if there are no more Mysterious Serums left?
A: You can also inject Shaun with the Institute’s FEV. This cures his cancer but turns him into a super mutant.

Q: How do I get the cure/FEV to Father?
A: The cure/FEV comes in the form of unique chems that you can administer to Father on his deathbed, right at the end of the game through dialog options.

Q: Can I use the FEV on myself and become a super mutant?
A: No… you die instead… painfully.

Q: Can I save Father if I side against the Institute?
A: Absolutely. Now you can blow up the Institute without feeling guilty over killing Shaun. If you use the cure/FEV on him (and don’t shoot him) it will later be revealed he got better and teleported out of the Institute before the explosion. Note that he will hate you for it so you’ll need to pass a very hard NON-repeatable speech check if you want him as your companion.

Please note, you are still required to interact with Dr. Volkert for both the cure and FEV. So going against the Institute before you get the cure locks you out of the alternate ending.

Q: Do I still get to lead the Institute if Father lives?
A: If you side with the Institute and save Father, he will fake his death and leave the Institute. This is both for lore and game mechanic reasons as doing otherwise would involve a drastic and extremely time consuming overhaul of the end-game, complete with a new cinematic.

Q: How do I contact Father after the end of the game to recruit him as a companion?
A: A “Commonwealth Courier” sent by Father will deliver you a message first with instructions on where to find him. You can also just go to Vault 111 and Shaun will eventually show up.

Q: Will this be compatible with the Nora Companion mod?
A: Yes. Enjoy that family outing to the Glowing Sea.

Q: Will this be compatible with the Project Valkyrie mod?
A: Yes, if you do the PV alternate ending, you will get an alternate path to recruiting and curing Shaun.

Q: Any other compatibility issues?
A: Nothing certain, but try it out. We don’t edit any vanilla IDs.

Q: Will this be available for XB1/PS4?
A: Yes.
